Green Public Procurement: a transnational report on the regulatory framework and GPP practices in the field of construction works for selected EU countries
In the auspices of the GUPP project report has been prepared that aims to provide a “Green Handbook: An instrument on GPP Regulatory Framework and Practice” that will introduce a general understanding of the green procurement process and challenges faced upon its implementation in the participating countries (France, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia) at different levels (central and regional), with a special focus on construction works.
The overall aim of the report is to compare, map and develop a methodology for the GUPP framework, recognizing the differences in each country (France, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia) and determining a mutually recognizable approach to GPP practice, in the effort to develop learning opportunities for public authorities’ staff to stimulate resource efficiency and green growth.
You are invited to read the short form of the report in national language (english, french, slovene, greek) and the full version in English language.