


Every year public authorities in the EU spend around 14% of GDP on Public Procurement (PP), which amounts to more than EUR 1.9 trillion. To this end, ‘Greening’ public procurements is among the key factors that stimulate the transition to a resource efficiency and green growth, as it is strongly highlighted in the recently launched EU Green Deal. Especially for construction works, public sector is a key source of demand. Considering that the construction sector is one of the most resource-intensive sectors, Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the sector is a key driver for works with limited environmental impact, as well as a major contributor to reaching the EU environmental, sustainability and energy efficiency targets. Nevertheless, EU countries face many obstacles in implementing GPP policies, ranging from lack of information, training, and knowledge for establishing criteria and standards eligible with GPP, along with inadequate capacity building of the PP workforce and limited knowledge transfer between practitioners and the educational sector.

GUPP aims

GUPP project foresees to:

  • Enable behavioural changes of key stakeholders involved in a PP process towards a sustainable, greener and circular economy. 
  • Create new opportunities for public authorities to stimulate resource efficiency and green growth. 
  • Facilitate knowledge transfer between key stakeholders involved in PP processes, as well between practitioners and the educational sector and raise awareness about the lifecycle environmental impacts of projects. 
  • Strengthen synergies and empower transnational social dialogue between all relevant stakeholders 

GUPP impact

GUPP project envisions to have overall impact on the construction sector, by responding to current, emerging and growing needs of the sector for accelerating transition to a resource efficient and circular economy, towards EU's energy and environmental goals. In parallel, with view to the training system, the expected impact is to enhance the education’s sector capacity building towards meeting the abovementioned challenges by integrating innovative learning tools and resources and facilitating the supply of high quality learning opportunities for adults, through making available flexible learning offers tailored to their learning needs.

Target group

The target groups addressed range from Public Authorities, contracting Authorities in local, regional, National level, including Public procurement staff, to key stakeholders representing the construction sector, policy makers, social partners and entities involved in procurement processes, as well as education’s sector stakeholders, including training and adult learning providers.


GUPP project foresees to meet the following results and outputs: 
Green Handbook, an instrument on GPP Regulatory Framework and Practice on Construction Works GUPP capacity building program including up-to-date knowledge and advanced aspects of GPP in construction works, facilitating deeper knowledge and familiarity with GPP. GUPP Web Platform, an innovative e-training and e-learning tool  Engagement with GPP in construction works, More than 100 staff from public authorities in total across all participating countries trained in the GUPP course and development of Policy recommendations on Greener Public Procurement with operative guidelines


Office de l'Environnement de la Corse – France




Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest - Ireland